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Agro chemicals play an important role in the economy of our country. The opening up of major markets and liberalization of the markets has enabled, Abechem to have access to manufacturers and distributors’ around the world to provide affordable solutions to our clients and the sector. Agrochemicals use is concentrated on high value crops intended for export, and Abechem is the leading distributor in the region to meet the needs of the sector, through value chain organization; promotion of safe procurement, transport, handling and use of pesticides and fertilizers. We not only provide the products but also make recommendations to our clients, the growers on agrochemicals and fertilizer use as the season’s progress, manned by able technical personnel. The major success has been our distribution strategy to maximize our potential and to meet the demands of our clients and growers. 


Plants need the right combination of nutrients to live, grow and reproduce. Plant nutrition is the availability and type of basic chemical element in plant. Plant fertilization is the process of adding nutrients to the media or leaf, so these chemical elements are added to the growing environment of the plant. This can be through fertigation or foliar feeding. Application of the right fertilizers contributes to the efficient use of water and can double the yield per unit of water use and increase root depth of the crop.  


Post harvest handling is the stage of crop production immediately following harvest, including cooling, cleaning, sorting and packing. The instant a crop is removed from the ground, or separated from its parent plant, it begins to deteriorate. Post harvest treatment largely determines final quality, whether a crop is sold for fresh consumption, or used as an ingredient in a processed food product.

FLORISSANT Full range of flowers preservatives to treat cut flowers throughout the supply chain ensuring a maximum quality for the consumer. Florissant is one of the most reputable brands of flowers preservatives, the first recipes were developed in the 1970’s by The Dutch auction in Aalsmeer and since it has continuously improved and extended the product range.